How to find us
If you travel by car, leave the Autobahn A7 at the exit Melsungen. You will reach the center of Melsungen after 5 km. Please note that there is a speed limit directly before a runaway truck ramp. Cross the intersection and turn right at the “Stadthalle” after 200 m. You will find us after another 200 m at the right side of the street.

More ways to find us
- By train:
You can reach Melsungen via the ICE-train stations Kassel-Wilhelmshoehe or Fulda. Trains to Melsungen run every 30 minutes. Our hotel is within walking distance of the train station (approx. 3 minutes). Cross the “Bahnhofstrasse” and follow the footway down to the Fulda river and across the bridge.
- By bike:
Germany’s longest bike trail, the R1, passes by our hotel at a distance of only 20m.
- By boat:
The Fulda river passes by our hotel, and there is also a place where you can land your boat.